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Insurance Policy for Italy
Italy is one of the most popular destinations for travel in Europe. Everyone will find something to enjoy here: sightseeing, beaches, mountain hikes in summer and skiing in winter, shopping, dining at restaurants and wineries, and much more. For many European residents traveling to Italy, a tourist insurance policy is not mandatory, but purchasing one can help cover medical expenses incurred during the trip.
For foreigners requiring a visa to stay in the country, it is necessary to obtain insurance. Consulate requirements for the policy are as follows:
1.The insurance must cover the entire duration of the visa or the duration of the first trip.
2.The policy must cover expenses (medical and transportation) for sudden illness or accident.
3.Insurance for Italy must be valid in all Schengen Agreement countries.
4.The visa insurance policy for Italy must be issued without a deductible.
5.The insurance coverage amount must be at least 30,000 euros.
Touristic and Medical Risks in the Country
Theft and Fraud
The main danger in Italy is theft and robbery. Travelers often become victims of thieves on the streets of major tourist cities, on public transport, or when visiting landmarks. Your belongings can be stolen from a rented car, snatched from your hands, or pickpocketed. Heres a brief guide on how to protect yourself and what to do if your money and documents are stolen.
Fraud is another scourge of tourist spots. This could involve "fake" police officers or volunteers who, besides asking for a signature, may request a few euros from you. There are also friendly people who may put a bracelet on your wrist, give you a flower, or offer bird feed and then start demanding money for it. There are numerous ways scammers operate.
Heat and Sunstroke
Italy is lovely in the summer, but this is also when periods of so-called abnormal heat occur. The thermometer can rise above 30 degrees Celsius.Condition of increased humidity, can cause health problems. This period is particularly challenging for the elderly and those with chronic illnesses. Standard medical recommendations include always carrying a water bottle, wearing a hat and light-colored clothing, avoiding physical exertion during the hottest times, refraining from alcohol and drinks with high sugar and caffeine content.
Injuries at Ski Resorts
Fractures, sprains, and dislocations while skiing are very common. We recommend not only insuring against the risk of injuries but also expanding insurance with option such as "Civil Liability." "Civil Liability" will cover you if, for example, you accidentally collide with someone on the slopes, and the injured person sues you for compensation for medical treatment.
A bit about Italian rescuers: calling rescuers is always chargeable unless it is related to serious injuries or life-threatening situations. After being transported to an ambulance, you may receive a hefty bill.
Swarms of mosquitoes are another woe in Italian cities with high humidity. Combatting them is done at the state level. Italian mosquitoes are small and quiet, but their bites are more painful. Predicting their appearance is quite difficult. If youre unlucky and your place of stay is under mosquito attack, stock up on repellents of all kinds at the nearest store. You can also ask the hotel staff for assistance; for example, in Venice, hotel guests may be provided with fumigators in their rooms.
Features of Healthcare in Italy
Emergency Care
There are two phone numbers you can call in case of an emergency: the general emergency number 112, which connects you to the emergency services (the operator immediately gets access to the callers phone number and can see their location on the map, with English-speaking specialists available); and 118, which is for emergency medical services, usually in Italian, and the call will be forwarded to the nearest ambulance station. Typically, specially trained volunteers respond to emergency calls, whose task is to quickly transport the injured person to the hospital for emergency treatment. Its important to understand that calling an ambulance in Italy is practiced only in cases of extreme necessity; otherwise, its better to make your own way to the hospital. If the hospitals emergency department considers your case non-urgent, your wait to see a doctor on duty can last for several hours, and ultimately, you may receive a bill for the visit and ambulance call.
Public Healthcare
Italy has a national healthcare system (SSN). Registration in this system provides access to public healthcare. Foreigners with EHIC (European Health Insurance Card issued to EU residents) can register in the SSN using this card for up to three months. Separate registration in this system is required for foreign students and individuals with residency permits in Italy. When registering with the SSN, a tessera sanitaria card (equivalent to a medical insurance policy) is issued. All of this allows access to emergency care, appointments with family doctors, treatment in public hospitals, assistance in emergency rooms, and obtaining free or discounted medications, etc. If a family doctor provides a referral (ticket) to a specialist or if diagnostic tests are needed, the healthcare system provides for citizens "co-payment" for such medical expenses. The co-payment for a specialist appointment with a referral is small, but it can increase up to five times without a referral. Referrals are issued free of charge for certain categories of the population.
The problems of the Italian public healthcare sector are similar to those in other countries: queues to see doctors, long waits for specialist appointments, a shortage of qualified personnel, and uneven distribution of quality medical centers across regions.
Private Clinics
Italy also has a private healthcare sector. Italians themselves, either directly or through insurance systems, pay for the quality of medical services, the speed of access to specialists, or the opportunity for additional examinations in private institutions. Some private clinics may accept referrals from the public healthcare system, where medical services for the patient will be not free but cheaper than if accessed independently. Dental services in Italy are always paid, even with public insurance. Dentists are available in public institutions, and you can access them with a referral from a therapist and pay less, but the local population prefers private dental clinics.
Pharmacies in Italy are marked with the word "Farmacia" and a sign with a green cross. They usually operate during daytime on weekdays and Saturdays. Outside of these hours, you can purchase medications at a duty pharmacy (farmacia del turno). A pharmacist may not be present there 24/7, but they will come to the pharmacy upon call to sell the necessary medication. At a duty pharmacy during off-hours, you may be charged an official service fee - 7-10 euros, or they may refuse to sell/dispense medication if they consider your problem non-urgent. Pharmacists at duty pharmacies are also helpful in directing you to where the on-call therapist (Guardia Medica) is available if your health problem is urgent but can wait without an ambulance. If you consulted a doctor using our insurance policy and its a covered case, you may receive compensation for prescribed and purchased medications.
Medications and Equivalents in Italy
Application Area
Active Ingredient
Equivalents in Italy
Antipyretic, Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory
Acetylsalicylic Acid
Acido Acetilsalicilico
Painkiller, Antipyretic
ALGOFEN, Brufen, Moment
Painkiller, Antipyretic
Panadol, Perfalgan, Paracetamolo
Imodium, Diarstop, Lopemid
If an Insurance Case Occurs:
Provide the name, surname of the injured person, insurance policy number, and your location, along with the contact phone number
Describe what happened, how urgently assistance is needed, and briefly describe the problem
We will arrange for a doctor to come, direct you to the nearest clinic, or call for emergency assistance
For simple outpatient cases in many cities in Italy, our assistance service can arrange for a general practitioner to visit the insured individual at their hotel/apartment. If something serious happens, the assistance service will find a clinic willing to address the specific issue at that time, providing guarantees. If you or your loved one end up in a clinic with which we do not have a partnership, please contact us using the contact details provided in the policy. Clinics in Italy are usually willing to accept payment guarantees from the assistance service for large expenses. Examples of clinics we work with include:
Artemisia Lab Alessandria Laboratorio Analisi Cliniche SSR - Poliambulatorio
San Giovanni Addolorata Hospital
Medical Dimension - Ambulatorio medico
Ospedale San Carlo di Nancy
Doctors in Italy
Centro Medico Monterosa
Sacco Hospital
Centro Medic Italiano
Ospedale San Raffaele
Humanitas Research Hospital
Donatello Day Surgery
Ospedale Santa Maria Nuova
Maria Teresa Hospital
Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi
Meyer - Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria
